Phil has a clue
Meet Phil. I don't know Phil, personally, but after watching this video of him I can tell you that, in short, Phil knows what's up.
Here is a man who exudes the most kind and gentle energy. This is the energy of the New Man, the Christed energy. How often do you look into eyes like his? He has an understanding of life and how to live it. And without agenda, he offers the most simple of insights. There is nothing fluffy here. This is what an adult looks like with the purity of a newborn. From the music to his words, how does Phil seem to know the simple, yet profound secrets of life? Maybe its because Phil had a life, long before this one in Lemuria (mentions this at about 7 min in).
I first learned of Lemuria when I visited Mt. Shasta, California several years ago. While it typically plays second fiddle to Atlantis in legend status, the ancient civilization Lemuria was lost in a matter of moments due to a catastrophic event. Most of the Lemurian people died and those that remained ascended to a higher dimension on earth and subsequently perpetuated their civilization at that higher dimension, within Mt. Shasta. You can read about the Lemurian society as it exists now in the Telos books.
I've never met someone who knew they were from Lemuria but according to Phil, Lemuria was a lot like Maui! I certainly resonate with the beautiful energy of Maui and all of Hawaii. When I lived on the West Coast I visited as often as I could. Perhaps feeling at home on Hawaii is a clue to our Lemurian Past. Either way, I believe Phil is a clue to our future. ♥
Source: Bridge to Lemuria ~Finding your way home