Recently, one of my incredibly brilliant and intuitive friends had one of those days where she was more than a little bogged down in her very 3D world of motherhood, being a wife, running a household, and having an 8-to-5 job with a commute. She is tired of the same-old, same-old and has indicated to the Universe that she's ready to do what she's supposed to do, if only she knew what that was. The problem is she needs the income said job provides and is still very much needed by her two little ones.
Its a situation so many of us can relate to. Why can't we wave that magic wand and be there in that next moment, doing the work we are passionate about, providing for our families and enjoying life!
I sympathized. I have felt like she does so much of my life. In the last few years, though something has changed. I don't really feel that way now exactly, not like I used to but there are moments. I'm going to say it has a lot to do with getting older and, dare I say, a wee bit wiser?
If I were to speak to most angst-ridden self of the past, the self that truly felt like I would never ever know, or do anything worthwhile, these would be a few things that I wished I would have known and trusted:
I don't think you are supposed to "know" what you're going or supposed to do just because you want to know. I think some are blessed with knowing and appear to be on their path and it is so clear. That's not everyone though and its frustrating to the rest of us. Sometimes you are just meant to walk the path, and trust, without knowing where you are going.
Many authors speak about Lightworkers having a really restless sense of "I've got to do the thing I'm supposed to do, what is it? I need to know it NOW!"
You want to know, to make the restless feeling go away. I believe the feeling comes from the fact that we actually DID come to earth to do something important at a really important time for the cosmos but our human egos think it has to have a 3D earthly constructed job title and be located in a building and that's what we keep looking for. My sense is that our purpose is much simpler than that.
I don't believe your purpose and passion will always be a J-0-B or even involve a paycheck. One of the things I do naturally is pass on information. I
meet people all the time and end up telling them about a book they might
like, or even a recipe or a school they're trying to find. You could
call me a Messenger but so far I haven't found a job posting for what I
You're already doing IT
What I mean is, everything you do is meaningful. If you are a Lightworker, or a conscious being, then just by you being here, alive on the planet is doing more good than you can see with your earth eyes. I know that is not as fulfilling and satisfying as sinking your teeth into a purpose or career that really excites you but it is true. There is no one thing that you were meant to do here, you were meant to do many things.
Are you always kind to people? Are you fond of animals? Are you the natural counselor at your workplace? Do you live in a place where there is nobody like you? Do you live in a place where everyone is like you? Do you cook awesome food for your family and friends?
I think all of these actions or states of being, when done naturally, not forced, are actually indications of "what you are supposed to be doing." They usually organically will lead down more soul-fulfilling paths if they aren't already.
As you get older, your purpose and passion WILL become more clear
It just happens when things in your life automatically fall away that were important before. Alternatively, different hobbies and skill sets may come together in a divinely perfect way that could not have happened earlier. Imagine it as though you were solving a puzzle.
All of this occurs with the passage of time. Only then can you look back and have a perspective and understand that all of that time you spent doing other things wasn't a waste.
EXPRession => PROFession
What is it
you feel inclined to explore? In what way do you wish
to express yourself? Those are good places to start and even return to again and again as long as it takes. Expressing yourself through your unique gifts and talents is a Divinely guided giving and receiving, and the one way you can be sure the shoe fits and you are doing what you "should" be doing. Through this self-Expression, Profession is born.
When all else fails look to Nature
Every flower and plant has its' season. Nature doesn't bud, bloom, change color, or pollinate all at once. Could you imagine? That would be like a really loud and bad sounding orchestra.
If your flower hasn't bloomed yet, trust that it will at a divinely appointed moment. The perfect time that was created just for you.