Monday, November 11, 2013

Faerie World

This past weekend I took myself on an Artist Date to FaerieCon.  If you know the Cons then you know they are for people who are really really into whatever Con they relate to.  In this case all things related to the Faerie (or Fairy!) Realm:  Faeries, Elves, Mermaids, Goddesses and other woodland creatures.  I would even factor in Norsemen, Druids, Knights and other Midieval folks.  Essentially, its the hotel version of Middle Earth.

It was my first visit to one of these and I saw lots of people dressed to the max in amazing costumes, You see them first hanging outside on real earth which seems off if only because its not October anymore.  If you didn't have a costume and wanted one, then you were in the right place.  There was a full array of artist's booths with folks selling their artwork and wear.   This was not your Halloween pop-up store.  The costume-wear here was often handmade and high quality with a price tag to match.  Velvet gown with Renaissance sleeves?  No problem! Corset for your gorgeous handmade wired Faerie Wings?  Take your pick.   And the velvet jacket with the phases of the moon burned out on the back? That will be $400, thank you, its a one-of-a-kind.

You could go small too, because while FaerieCon is for the magical kids inside of us, its also for actual kids!   On Sunday, the last day of the event,  it's Family Day and kids get in free!  I saw many, mostly little girls, of varying sizes running around all decked out in wings and flouncy skirts.  Once again, if your little elf was lacking proper attire there was plenty of it to choose from.  I snatched up an adorable skirt and wristlet set with pink ribbons and roses for my own (winged) creature who was not with me this time.

If you just want to dip your toe or ear in the Faerie realm, then there was plenty of artwork to look at including jewelry, sculpture, paintings, drawings and such as well as masks and a vast array of ear cuffs for mermaids, faeries, elves, and dwarves.  For a future costume, I couldn't resist getting myself a most enchanting pair of handmade leaves. 

Its not just showing off costumes and exhibitors either. There are programs ongoing throughout the event featuring musicians, artists and authors, as well as workshops, fashion shows and contests.  And both Friday and Saturday nights of the weekend featured Good-Faery and Bad-Faery (respectively) Masquerade Balls which sold out long before the event. 
So if you ever crave to spend time in an actual magical realm, I think this is as close as you can get. Its an incredibly satisfying real world 3-D (vs. 2-D Electronic Device) experience.  Soak it in while you can because Faerie Con comes around only once a year, unless you want to travel to the other coast.  If you're up for a bit of a spectacle, or you are in dire need of a Hobbit Cloak, this is where you can find one!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Flying Objects!

I finally saw something in the sky with my own eyes that was neither a bird nor a plane.  But exactly what it was I cannot easily tell you.   It was a dark and cloudy evening and we were in the middle of babysitting my daughter's good friend of all things!  In a small patch of open sky our attention was captured by two lights moving rapidly.

At first it appeared to be spotlights, like the kind you see advertising or highlighting a building or store.  But after further inspection, it was obvious that the light source was not coming from below but from above.  Because of the clouds it was impossible to see beyond the lights that were moving.   They were like round balls of light with short "comet" tails and were moving rapidly in a random somewhat circular pattern.  In some ways they appeared to be chasing each other!  The feeling of this was very playful and otherworldly.

It was as though someone was far far up in the heavens  playing with two flashlights they were shining down below.  The movements of these lights was so light and graceful that they could in no way be mechanical or machine in our sense of the word.  I have to say watching this was quite a show.  My eyes were glued until I was interrupted.  While four of us were looking at the sky, a neighbor walked by and seemed to have zero interest in what we were looking at. He neither asked nor looked up.  Overall I was left with a sense of wonder and curiosity as to what will come next.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hay House I Can Do It!

A rare photo op: Iyanla VanZant with Caroline Myss
I attended the recent Hay House I Can do It conference a few day ago.  As a mom, whose conference attendance is pretty frequent these days, I had to pick and choose my days so I chose to go on Sunday only.  I got to see most of the Authors speaking that including the lovely Iyanla Vanzant, the always enlightening Caroline Myss,  as well as Brian Weiss, Gregg Braden and newcomer Kate Northrup

Iyanla's talk was lively and extremely down to earth.  She was the opening keynote on Sunday and began with music and dancing. She tells the truth about herself for herself and her big mantra was “Holiness to the Rescue!” Your Holiness is the part of you that exists no matter what.  She said there is nothing that your Holiness canNOT do! Taking care of ourselves is important she said: Rest well, eat well and stop criticizing yourself!  Find something to laugh at and understand there are some things we cannot understand.   “If you want to be a spiritual warrior, you can’t be a punk. And God has given you some people to forgive.”  Her new book on forgiveness comes out in December. 

Caroline Myss followed Iyanla.  I’ve seen Caroline before and she is an amazing teacher.  You literally enter a classroom when you sit in front of her.  One of the first things she said was that “we are living in an axial shift.”  She has studied war as much as she has studied God and said war is the great change agent.  Those born post WWII are different, as in DNA-different, than the generations before because they’ve come during the nuclear age.
The scope of Myss’s talk explored a building that was a metaphor for personal growth and development.  The First floor is where life comes at you- it begins there for all of us.  By the time you reach the top your realize you come towards life as a co-creator with it.  This is where we need to be. We are all co-creators. My favorite quote, possibly of the entire day, was the when she said “Religions are Costume Parties.  We’re done with all of that!” Hear, hear!
The Wonderful Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden was up next.  I’d never seen him speak and was blown away by his energy.  He is crazy-smart and a dynamic speaker.  He drew us in with photographs from his countless journeys around the world, many to monasteries and spiritual locales.   He too said we are living in a new time and that many of us are grieving the way of life that is no longer.   With this great shift, he said, life is going to keep changing and there isn’t anything we can do except ride the wave and be resilient.  We have no choice in the matter if we want to go on.  “Building resilience is not a luxury it’s a 21st Century Imperative” Braden said.  It’s the key to personal transformation.    
He showed us photos of two women he had encountered during his travels.  One was a monk and the other a matriarch.  Both of these women were one hundred and twenty years old or older!  Their secret to such longevity was love and compassion.  Compassion for themselves and others and the love of those around you.   Their age is not an anomaly, its simply an example of someone that has learned how to live.  

Gregg said the Hopi Indians and other highly evolved beings have indicated that our human bodies are capable of living up to somewhere in the nine-hundred year range.   But, they said, the catch is that the first one-hundred-years are the hardest!   This is because during those first one-hundred-years, you will lose everything you have loved.  Those women have lived, loved, lost and continued living.   Their hearts are light.  It is our heavy hearts full of pain and burdens that release us from this life all too early, for their capacity for such stress gives out around the age of seventy.  These are the gems that Gregg left us with.  

Throughout everything I heard, there was a theme that arose.  In Essence it was: 
  • Be Yourself.  
  • Be Who You are.  
  • Find out who that is and share it.  
  • The time is NOW. We cannot wait. 
  • Step Up. The World needs you.     
All the more reason I'm glad to be here. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Word on the Bun in your Oven

"This pregnancy is soooo different from my last one!" I have heard mother after mother exclaim.  And then I learned the truth about why that is. 

Its pretty simple: You're carrying a different child!  Of course we would think it has to do with us and that pregnancy, is like an outfit you put on for nine months and each time you wear it, it tends to look the same on you.  Not so.

Artwork Shannon Page
Each pregnancy, (like each person) is different.  Now you may have similar pregnancies- but again, that may have more to do with your children than you.

When you are pregnant, if you are a healthy carrier of your baby you will probably take on quite a bit of that child's energy and even behave like your child-to-be.  What?  You're probably thinking that explains your obsession with pickles.  No, I think that is hormones.  What I'm talking about is much deeper.

I witnessed this first hand when one of my closest friends was pregnant with her first son.  Sera has always been very much of a free spirit type of a person.  As a Scorpio, she is very emotional (watery) and tends to go wherever her emotions take her.  She's not a big planner and if you do set up a time to get together with her, there's a better than fifty-percent chance that arrangement will get changed by her.  Since I know this about her, I have grown to have different expectations for our friendship and scheduling times to meet.

When Sera was pregnant for the first time with Sam, many of these qualities shifted.   She was thrilled with the pregnancy and even more so because she took on a new energy that shifted her behavior.  She became very task-oriented and enjoyed making lists.   "This is what its like to get things done!" she exclaimed.   That way of being was very foreign to her.  

During this period of time we would meet weekly to go walking at a nearby park.   Normally I would not have expected her to make our dates very often for this but in fact she always showed up!  We talked a lot about how different she felt and how many introspective activities like reading and music, that she usually enjoyed had been put on the backburner.  She had little to no interest in them.  Then, as the pregnancy began to wind down, Sera began to return to herself, growing weary of the behaviors she had taken on.   And soon after, a healthy little Gemini boy was born.  As he grew she would learn how energetic and inquisitive he was, always exploring new things and very much into routines!

During my own pregnancy I became very attracted to music, found myself singing quite a bit and was generally a bit more content than my normal self.   My daughter, as it turns out, has been quite musical from the get go and has an amazingly upbeat disposition!

Another of my friends loved intense exercise and weight lifting when she was pregnant.  Her child turned out to be quite strong, doesn't need much sleep and also has a strong will!

Whether you are newly pregnant, or had your babies long ago perhaps this will shed some light on what actually happens when you give part of your body to another being for a time.  Even if you've never been pregnant or are male, can you imagine what it was like for your mother to carry you?  How would your energy have affected her?  If she's still around, ask her.  I'm sure she'll remember!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Magicians

You won't need a dime
to see a show
they are all around you
don't you know?

One part them
and two parts you
they wave a wand
and we go "oooh"

Lulled half to sleep by
things put in
And mesmerized by
people's sins

Watch the left hand--
--no, the right!
'Cause over there
is quite a fright

Listen closely, see the truth
though it will make you ill
It will also set you free
Help end this evil spell


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Crossing Over

If there is anyone who has their Head in Heaven, Feet on Earth, its people who have had a Near Death Experience.  "Experiencers," as they are called are people that have literally crossed over and then returned to their body to continue living.

This past weekend I attended the International Association for Near Death Studies Conference (IANDS).  It was filled with Experiencers and non-experiencers (like me!) alike.  Keynote speakers such as Dr. Eben Alexander have written books, appeared on Oprah and are becoming rock stars in the NDE world.  Those people who can command a large audience indeed have fascinating stories to tell.   Whether they have written a book or not, there were plenty of people I met who had crossed over and their experience big or small changed them in some profound way.

What's it like to be at a conference like this? I can say that it is unlike anything I have ever attended.  It is at once awe-inspiring, terribly sad (lots of tears!), and at the same time very healing.  Encountering those who've crossed over is to meet with a different type of energy.  I believe those people are still a little bit in that other realm.  They will always have that connection but unlike the rest of us, they are completely conscious of it.  They KNOW who they are and where they came from.  For so many of us who live in doubt this is hard to imagine. What you can imagine is how that would change your energy.  How you would live differently. 

I met a woman in her sixties that drowned as a child.  She remembers encountering a beautiful angel that told her everything would be fine.  Another woman shared that she was knocked unconscious by an intruder in her home.  It was only later on that she realized she had had a NDE which led to the recall of two more experiences.  Many experiencers have had more than one NDE or NDE type of experience and there are many people that are experiencers that are completely unaware that they've ever had an experience.

One of the most unusual stories was Julie's.  Julie is not an experiencer but as a nurse has encountered many who are and attended several conferences.   While at the conference this year, she had a healing that was being offered.   During that session the healer found a block in her 5th chakra (throat) and understood that it was because her sister had actually killed her by cutting off her air supply when she was just a baby!  Her sister was just a child herself, a toddler, and yes it was intentional.  Upon receiving this knowledge it jogged a deeply held memory of Julie leaving her body. It also affirmed many things Julie already knew and explained many of her gifts and abilities that she had grown up with.  Leaving the conference with this knowledge she was told: "You're journey is just beginning."

Many of the non-experiencers were there seeking hope.  We've all lost loved ones and if there is anyone that can shine light onto the darkness of that grief it is people that have gone beyond and can tell us what it's like there. 

After hearing so many stories, there was a part of me that wished I could have that experience (or wish it for someone else!) but the other part of me does not.  For so many experiencers, the journey back from Heaven has been nothing short of Hell.  Many, like Jeff Olsen, returned to bodies in deplorable condition and had to rebuild themselves.  Many survived but those they were with did not.  Many times, as Dr. Mary Neal said, their experience was followed with severe depression as they grieved their own loss of heaven and returning to earth because their work here was not complete.  Like anything, its not for everyone. 

Me and Anita
The one thing I heard repeatedly, over and over again is that we are not alone, we are in fact all a part of the One Consciousness.  There is nothing random about any of our lives.  Just as our own families and children are special to us, so are we to God.   Everything is occurring according to a much greater divine plan and the solution to all of our darkness--which is mostly fear--is love, especially self-love.

I will end with something Keynote Anita Moorjani said.  "You're only purpose in life is to BE YOURSELF and you can't go wrong."  According to her, when you or I talk about trying to be so positive this means at the core we think we are negative.   She suggests trusting you are positive at your core and work on being Yourself.  Find out who you are and Love yourself unconditionally.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Two Degrees of Separation

     Last night my friend Lucy enjoyed a quiet moment under the stars on her back porch.  It was about 11PM and she wanted to see if the current meteor shower was at all visible since the night was so clear.   Oh, she got to see meteors alright- they were there and some left smoky trails.  She also got to see something else.   I was already jealous of the meteors since my own personal portion of the night sky is small and not usually very dark in my densely populated town.  But here is what followed:
    As she looked up at the stars she began studying them as you often do and wondering about the spaceships we both know are out there, and who might be hanging out up there.  She picked out what may have been a satellite and then monitored another "light", with a different and irregular path of motion.  Could it be what she thought it was?  She studied it more and finally as she focused on the light she tuned in to it and said if you are what I think you are, flash your lights.   Immediately after this the light grew very bright for a moment and then went dim again.  This was repeated and then happened a little bit later with another light.  Seeing this interaction was thrilling for her to say the least.  With it came a physical sensation or feeling of peace and love.   She felt the contact was undeniable to her, she had made a connection with whomever was flying out there in the night sky.
    I was so excited to hear her story but in a way I was not surprised.  I could now say I knew someone who had contact with an extraterrestrial (way more exciting than a celebrity to me).  Move over six-degrees of separation. How about two degrees between me and our Galactic friends.    Dr. Steven Greer calls this type of experience "CE 5" for Close Encounters of the 5th kind: Human-Initiated Contact.  He actually teaches people how to make this kind of contact and takes groups to remote locations in order to achieve it.
    My friend had no training however so you can see it could be easier than you think.  From what I have read, having a good attitude helps and letting go of fear.  I've heard of some cases where people ran away from such experiences despite their willingness to begin with.  It is too much for them to take in, apparently not prepared for the reality of the actual experience and what it brings up.
    For those that are in a place like Lucy, I think "the sky's the limit" literally!  Obviously there isn't much that separates us from our space brethren.
    This experience reminded me of another close-encounter of a different kind.   Amanda used to frequent her local large bookstore quite a bit.  She would go there when she needed some alone time to just look around, read and hang out.   After several visits she noticed there was a man who worked there that would appear just when she needed some help.  He always seemed to have the book she was looking for or was able to point her in the right direction.   Time and again this man would appear to help her, then disappear.   She sensed there was something different about him which began to nag at her and finally one day decided to take the conversation further. 
    The next time the man appeared she made sure they were alone.  "Who Are You?" she pointedly asked.   He answered that he was not from here, that he was from another planet and was here to help people.  This confirmed what she felt in her heart and understood his role and his capacity to help her find what she was looking for.  I'm sure there was some telepathy going on.  
    I think there are many folks like the bookstore guy passing through our lives on a daily basis.  In her book Earth Angels, Author Doreen Virtue calls them Star People.  They are incarnated extra-terrestrials, benign beings whose purpose is to help humanity in the many ways help is needed, many of them small and seemingly insignificant. 
    Whether you've already encountered a Star Person or a lightship among the stars, or you are one of the people that hopes for such an encounter, know that these are closer, and more frequent than you may realize.
Update: In the weeks that have passed since her experience, it has become apparent that what Lucy had was an Initiation.  She has had many dreams of making contact in different ways.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What should I REALLY be doing with my life?

Recently, one of my incredibly brilliant and intuitive friends had one of those days where she was more than a little bogged down in her very 3D world of motherhood, being a wife, running a household, and having an 8-to-5 job with a commute.  She is tired of the same-old, same-old and has indicated to the Universe that she's ready to do what she's supposed to do, if only she knew what that was.  The problem is she needs the income said job provides and is still very much needed by her two little ones.

Its a situation so many of us can relate to.  Why can't we wave that magic wand and be there in that next moment, doing the work we are passionate about, providing for our families and enjoying life!

I sympathized.  I have felt like she does so much of my life.  In the last few years, though something has changed.  I don't really feel that way now exactly, not like I used to but there are moments.  I'm going to say it has a lot to do with getting older and, dare I say, a wee bit wiser?

If I were to speak to most angst-ridden self of the past, the self that truly felt like I would never ever know, or do anything worthwhile, these would be a few things that I wished I would have known and trusted:

I don't think you are supposed to "know" what you're going or supposed to do just because you want to know.  I think some are blessed with knowing and appear to be on their path and it is so clear. That's not everyone though and its frustrating to the rest of us. Sometimes you are just meant to walk the path, and trust, without knowing where you are going.

Many authors speak about Lightworkers having a really restless sense of "I've got to do the thing I'm supposed to do, what is it? I need to know it NOW!"
You want to know, to make the restless feeling go away.  I believe the feeling comes from the fact that we actually DID come to earth to do something important at a really important time for the cosmos but our human egos think it has to have a 3D earthly constructed job title and be located in a building and that's what we keep looking for.  My sense is that our purpose is much simpler than that.

I don't believe your purpose and passion will always be a J-0-B or even involve a paycheck.   One of the things I do naturally is pass on information.  I meet people all the time and end up telling them about a book they might like, or even a recipe or a school they're trying to find. You could call me a Messenger but so far I haven't found a job posting for what I do. 

You're already doing IT
What I mean is, everything you do is meaningful.  If you are a Lightworker, or a conscious being, then just by you being here, alive on the planet is doing more good than you can see with your earth eyes.  I know that is not as fulfilling and satisfying as sinking your teeth into a purpose or career that really excites you but it is true.  There is no one thing that you were meant to do here, you were meant to do many things. 

Are you always kind to people?  Are you fond of animals?  Are you the natural counselor at your workplace? Do you live in a place where there is nobody like you?  Do you live in a place where everyone is like you? Do you cook awesome food for your family and friends?

I think all of these actions or states of being, when done naturally, not forced, are actually indications of "what you are supposed to be doing."  They usually organically will lead down more soul-fulfilling paths if they aren't already. 

As you get older, your purpose and passion WILL become more clear
It just happens when things in your life automatically fall away that were important before. Alternatively, different hobbies and skill sets may come together in a divinely perfect way that could not have happened earlier.  Imagine it as though you were solving a puzzle.

All of this occurs with the passage of time.  Only then can you look back and have a perspective and understand that all of that time you spent doing other things wasn't a waste.

EXPRession => PROFession
What is it you feel inclined to explore?  In what way do you wish to express yourself?  Those are  good places to start and even return to again and again as long as it takes.   Expressing yourself through your unique gifts and talents is a Divinely guided giving and receiving, and the one way you can be sure the shoe fits and you are doing what you "should" be doing.  Through this self-Expression, Profession is born.

When all else fails look to Nature
Every flower and plant has its' season.  Nature doesn't bud, bloom, change color, or pollinate all at once.  Could you imagine? That would be like a really loud and bad sounding orchestra.

If your flower hasn't bloomed yet, trust that it will at a divinely appointed moment.  The perfect time that was created just for you.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Enter Leo!

Its officially the peak of Summer!  We can certainly feel the heat.  Can you also sense the energy?

Yesterday, July 22 was quite a day.  In the afternoon alone three major "natural" happenings occurred. 
~   After 2PM we were officially in the full-moon zone.  It was also one of three "supermoon's" this year. 
~  At 4:24PM an important child was born into the world: The Royal Baby. 
~  Shortly after the Royal Baby's arrival the Sun left the sign of Cancer for 2013 and officially moved into the sign of Leo.

My personal thoughts on this are since the moon rules emotions and affects water and it is closest to the earth at this time, we are in a period of intense emotions.  The full moon is juxtaposed with the entry of the Sun in the sign of Leo- the sign which is in fact ruled by the Sun!   This tells me there is much light coming forward.

I think the birth of a royal baby at this time is absolutely perfect.  What an amazing energy pattern to enter the world through.  There is always a lot of hope that comes with a new life and this one brings more than most.  As a potential leader of our time, we wonder will he fulfill our expectations? Will he continue to give us hope for a brighter future? What will become of this young Cancer man that is definitely not a Leo!

And what about dear Leo.  As a Leo sun sign I would like to know!  What does this sign bring this time around in 2013?  It seems to be a year of dreaming big.  Try new things, test the waters, see what you want next.  A year from now, Jupiter, the planet of Luck and Gifts moves into Leo.  So now is the time to take in the long view and see what you want to zoom in on!

I've always loved Henri Rousseau's painting The Sleeping Gypsy and I think it really illustrates the elements here.  A full moon, a Lion and a peacefully sleeping woman in the desert with all her necessities around her.   The Lion is inquisitive not aggressive and the earth is a cool, comfortable bed.  To me it says rest well, you are safe and protected

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Day before Tomorrow
Image courtesy Victor Habbick

July 8, 2013

Today is World Disclosure Day.  And its just the first one.

Like other things that have been made into a "Day," revisited each year on the calendar, this is no exception.  It will be revisited again next year and the next and the next. 

What is Disclosure?  In this case it refers to the sharing of the knowledge by the ruling bodies of this world, of the existence of extraterrestrials, which has been previously held back from our collective society.

No, this hasn't happened yet but by making a Day out of Disclosure, its kind of like kids saying- we're not waiting for our parents to tell us what they know, we're going to learn it on our own and tell all our friends!  

If you saw the google home page today the doodle honors the 66th anniversary of the Roswell incident.  The doodle humorously illustrates the incident as a little colorless video of an alien that crash landed and then has an interactive feature that lets you help it put its' ship back together. 

But Roswell is just the tip of the iceberg.  Its what we know, what we've seen, what we've heard.  Much like the iceberg, there is an enormous amount of information hidden under the water.  Guess what? The ice has begun to melt.

A couple months ago we had the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure in Washington DC.  Amid little fanfare on the outside, 40 witnesses from all over the world offered testimony to a panel of former Congresspeople as to the existence of extraterrestrials on and around our planet.

I was lucky enough to attend some portions of this 5-day event, and I can say that it was beyond exciting.  There were witnesses from many countries of the highest calibur.   The hearing was open to the public and people seemed to come from near and far to attend although it was by no means over capacity.

At one point I found myself sitting next to a fellow and wondered what might have brought him there.  No sooner did I wonder this and following the next break, I saw him sitting on the panel.  He was witness Paul Hellyer, Canada's former minister of National Defense.  His testimony was most impressive and included readings from his book.   You can read his transcript here on The Daily Persimmon.

By the end of the week the panel of Congresspeople went from being curious to intrigued and finally amazed.  It was clear that the evidence was lengthy, detailed and undeniable.  

Remember Earth Day?  Back when it was just a baby Day and not that many people celebrated it.  Look at it now.  We've got all manner of schools, stores and other institutions participating, promoting and celebrating Mother Earth on April 22. 

Today, I invite you to imagine what the future of this day may hold.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Free Yourself! 

Pay attention people.  Pay attention.  There is a very very quiet alarm clock going off.  If you stop for a minute you might be able to hear it.  Its telling you to wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up sleepy head.  Wake up, rub your eyes and take a good look around and see what is really, really going on. 

Like rats in a cage the minute you start to come to your "senses" you are fed another pellet aimed at providing you as much faux joy and bliss as possible so that you focus on getting more pellets and not the cage.  

Because like it or not you are still in the cage.   And the pellets look a lot like the following: 
  • contrived media blitzes,
  • superficial finger pointing at celebrities,
  • stories that get you all fired up about something and then keep you going about that some thing over and over again
  • disasters and weather
  • electronics and other distractions
  • cheap, yummy, colorless or artificially colored food
  • drugs, legal and illegal
  • people that make you think they care about you but don't
In the movie Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, Frodo, bless his little Hobbit self, finally gets to the last, and perhaps most difficult leg of his journey; the ascent to Mt. Doom to throw the Ring of Power into the pool of lava where it will be gone forever.

What is left of the fellowship bands together, and in a last ditch effort heads to the gates of Mordor where they prepare to sacrifice themselves to the enemy in what is sure to be a lost battle (there's like 6 of them against herds of men, orcs and trolls and other disgusting beasts), in the name of Frodo.  They haven't seen him in ages but know he hasn't fulfilled his mission yet because here they stand against the ugly, relentless team of assholes that pervades every crack of Middle Earth.

It doesn't sound very smart but it is actually genius.  Because in the next moment we see that terrifying, all-seeing eye of Sauron whip-turn his gaze from elsewhere to look directly at the seemingly important battle about to take place, thus distracting it from the even bigger and more urgent situation- that of Frodo getting rid of the ring forever and destroying Sauron and all of Mordor---which we know he does.

Middle Earth is actually a lot like real Earth. We too are being distracted but in our case its the bad guys doing the distracting, and sometimes they are a lot more pretty or trustworthy than an obviously evil orc.

I hate to tell you this but while you are in the cage, focusing on the pellets, you are actually being moved to an even smaller and shittier cage.  And when you take a look around that home, there will no longer be any pellets left.   You are going to either become deeply depressed or completely enraged and beg for help.  But by then it will be too late.  Everyone you know and love will be in tiny cages too.

But if you're reading this, its not too late. Not eating pellets looks a lot like the following:
  • Being around people that actually care about you
  • Eating and/or cooking yummy high quality naturally colorful food
  • Joining people that are working for things you really care about
  • Leaving the commercials behind
  • Being outdoors
  • Saying "who cares?" to the latest celebrity finger pointing
  • Asking yourself what you think is true or important
  • Talking with people, neighbors, friends in person
  • Sharing, or as 2-year-olds call it "taking turns"
So if you can, get quiet now, and listen, wake up, see what being conscious feels like.  Be one of the few who is actually watching Frodo climb the mountain.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Phil has a clue

Meet Phil.  I don't know Phil, personally, but after watching this video of him I can tell you that, in short, Phil knows what's up.  

Here is a man who exudes the most kind and gentle energy.  This is the energy of the New Man, the Christed energy.  How often do you look into eyes like his?  He has an understanding of life and how to live it.  And without agenda, he offers the most simple of insights.  There is nothing fluffy here.  This is what an adult looks like with the purity of a newborn.  From the music to his words, how does Phil seem to know the simple, yet profound secrets of life?  Maybe its because Phil had a life, long before this one in Lemuria (mentions this at about 7 min in).   

I first learned of Lemuria when I visited Mt. Shasta, California several years ago.  While it typically plays second fiddle to Atlantis in legend status, the ancient civilization Lemuria was lost in a matter of moments due to a catastrophic event.  Most of the Lemurian people died and those that remained ascended to a higher dimension on earth and subsequently perpetuated their civilization at that higher dimension, within Mt. Shasta.  You can read about the Lemurian society as it exists now in the Telos books.
I've never met someone who knew they were from Lemuria but according to Phil, Lemuria was a lot like Maui!  I certainly resonate with the beautiful energy of Maui and all of Hawaii.  When I lived on the West Coast I visited as often as I could.  Perhaps feeling at home on Hawaii is a clue to our Lemurian Past.  Either way,  I believe Phil is a clue to our future. 

 Source: Bridge to Lemuria ~Finding your way home

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

An Unlikely Spiritual Proponent?

Dwight Schrute.  Rainn Wilson's character on The Office is anything but a spiritual guy.   His antics, schemes and crazy beet-loving self always made us laugh.  Knowing an actor's long-time character so well can make it hard for us to see them in a different light. 

When I came across this video of Wilson, I couldn't help but cheer.  It is so articulate and well said that there is not much to comment on except for me to say- YES!  I concur!  I think you are right on! 
About everything. 

Its always nice to hear a celebrity, someone we don't know opening up in an honest way about something that resonates personally.  And in this case it all resonated strongly with me.  There will be, there HAS to be a Spiritual Revolution.  For many of us it began a long time ago but the collective is now jumping on board. 

I had seen Wilson in another role that made this clip less of a leap from Dwight Schrute to what is said here.  The movie The Last Mimzy is a fun sci-fi family film with many excellent actors but it flew under the radar a bit.   It is not a little movie at all but in fact it reveals a huge amount of information (and warnings) about our potential as humans as well as in the realms of science and spirituality
In the movie Wilson plays a young boy's science teacher who has prophetic dreams and an intense, intuitive girlfriend.

I loved his character and certainly hope to see more of him in similar roles and movies, or just as himself talking about more things like this.  I learned his formative years were spent immersed in all sorts of religions and beliefs through his parents Baha'i faith.  With such a unique background maybe it's Dwight Schrute who is the bigger leap in character.

Source: Youtube

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Once Upon A Time .  .  .

There was a little girl who wrote a lot in her diary.

And then she wrote because she had to, because her teachers told her to.  And she wrote about stuff that they assigned her to write about.  Some of it was boring, some of it was so-so, and once in a great while it was interesting, like the time she got to write about witches.  But it was almost never fun.

And she wrote in her journals some more.  And then she did morning pages sometimes.

And along came blogs.  A lot of people had them and they liked to write on them but not her.  No way, she was not doing that.  Yet.

Fast forward through time and I am right here where I didn't think I would be, writing in a big fishbowl.  It seems daunting and only a tiny bit of a good idea but the pressure from the universe has won. 

I am not sure about much in this endeavor, only that it feels like the right time and I have some very supportive people in my corner.   It may be a hodge-podge of subjects here for a bit but I am confident a focus or two will shake out after some time.

Welcome to my adventure!