Last night my friend Lucy enjoyed a quiet moment under the stars on her back porch. It was about 11PM and she wanted to see if the current meteor shower was at all visible since the night was so clear. Oh, she got to see meteors alright- they were there and some left smoky trails. She also got to see something else. I was already jealous of the meteors since my own personal portion of the night sky is small and not usually very dark in my densely populated town. But here is what followed:
As she looked up at the stars she began studying them as you often do and wondering about the spaceships we both know are out there, and who might be hanging out up there. She picked out what may have been a satellite and then monitored another "light", with a different and irregular path of motion. Could it be what she thought it was? She studied it more and finally as she focused on the light she tuned in to it and said if you are what I think you are, flash your lights. Immediately after this the light grew very bright for a moment and then went dim again. This was repeated and then happened a little bit later with another light. Seeing this interaction was thrilling for her to say the least. With it came a physical sensation or feeling of peace and love. She felt the contact was undeniable to her, she had made a connection with whomever was flying out there in the night sky.
I was so excited to hear her story but in a way I was not surprised. I could now say I knew someone who had contact with an extraterrestrial (way more exciting than a celebrity to me). Move over six-degrees of separation. How about two degrees between me and our Galactic friends. Dr. Steven Greer calls this type of experience "CE 5" for Close Encounters of the 5th kind: Human-Initiated Contact. He actually teaches people how to make this kind of contact and takes groups to remote locations in order to achieve it.
My friend had no training however so you can see it could be easier than you think. From what I have read, having a good attitude helps and letting go of fear. I've heard of some cases where people ran away from such experiences despite their willingness to begin with. It is too much for them to take in, apparently not prepared for the reality of the actual experience and what it brings up.
For those that are in a place like Lucy, I think "the sky's the limit" literally! Obviously there isn't much that separates us from our space brethren.
This experience reminded me of another close-encounter of a different kind. Amanda used to frequent her local large bookstore quite a bit. She would go there when she needed some alone time to just look around, read and hang out. After several visits she noticed there was a man who worked there that would appear just when she needed some help. He always seemed to have the book she was looking for or was able to point her in the right direction. Time and again this man would appear to help her, then disappear. She sensed there was something different about him which began to nag at her and finally one day decided to take the conversation further.
The next time the man appeared she made sure they were alone. "Who Are You?" she pointedly asked. He answered that he was not from here, that he was from another planet and was here to help people. This confirmed what she felt in her heart and understood his role and his capacity to help her find what she was looking for. I'm sure there was some telepathy going on.
I think there are many folks like the bookstore guy passing through our lives on a daily basis. In her book Earth Angels, Author Doreen Virtue calls them Star People. They are incarnated extra-terrestrials, benign beings whose purpose is to help humanity in the many ways help is needed, many of them small and seemingly insignificant.
Whether you've already encountered a Star Person or a lightship among the stars, or you are one of the people that hopes for such an encounter, know that these are closer, and more frequent than you may realize.♥
Update: In the weeks that have passed since her experience, it has become apparent that what Lucy had was an Initiation. She has had many dreams of making contact in different ways.
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