This past weekend I attended the International Association for Near Death Studies Conference (IANDS). It was filled with Experiencers and non-experiencers (like me!) alike. Keynote speakers such as Dr. Eben Alexander have written books, appeared on Oprah and are becoming rock stars in the NDE world. Those people who can command a large audience indeed have fascinating stories to tell. Whether they have written a book or not, there were plenty of people I met who had crossed over and their experience big or small changed them in some profound way.
What's it like to be at a conference like this? I can say that it is unlike anything I have ever attended. It is at once awe-inspiring, terribly sad (lots of tears!), and at the same time very healing. Encountering those who've crossed over is to meet with a different type of energy. I believe those people are still a little bit in that other realm. They will always have that connection but unlike the rest of us, they are completely conscious of it. They KNOW who they are and where they came from. For so many of us who live in doubt this is hard to imagine. What you can imagine is how that would change your energy. How you would live differently.
I met a woman in her sixties that drowned as a child. She remembers encountering a beautiful angel that told her everything would be fine. Another woman shared that she was knocked unconscious by an intruder in her home. It was only later on that she realized she had had a NDE which led to the recall of two more experiences. Many experiencers have had more than one NDE or NDE type of experience and there are many people that are experiencers that are completely unaware that they've ever had an experience.
One of the most unusual stories was Julie's. Julie is not an experiencer but as a nurse has encountered many who are and attended several conferences. While at the conference this year, she had a healing that was being offered. During that session the healer found a block in her 5th chakra (throat) and understood that it was because her sister had actually killed her by cutting off her air supply when she was just a baby! Her sister was just a child herself, a toddler, and yes it was intentional. Upon receiving this knowledge it jogged a deeply held memory of Julie leaving her body. It also affirmed many things Julie already knew and explained many of her gifts and abilities that she had grown up with. Leaving the conference with this knowledge she was told: "You're journey is just beginning."
Many of the non-experiencers were there seeking hope. We've all lost loved ones and if there is anyone that can shine light onto the darkness of that grief it is people that have gone beyond and can tell us what it's like there.
After hearing so many stories, there was a part of me that wished I could have that experience (or wish it for someone else!) but the other part of me does not. For so many experiencers, the journey back from Heaven has been nothing short of Hell. Many, like Jeff Olsen, returned to bodies in deplorable condition and had to rebuild themselves. Many survived but those they were with did not. Many times, as Dr. Mary Neal said, their experience was followed with severe depression as they grieved their own loss of heaven and returning to earth because their work here was not complete. Like anything, its not for everyone.
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Me and Anita |
I will end with something Keynote Anita Moorjani said. "You're only purpose in life is to BE YOURSELF and you can't go wrong." According to her, when you or I talk about trying to be so positive this means at the core we think we are negative. She suggests trusting you are positive at your core and work on being Yourself. Find out who you are and Love yourself unconditionally. ♥
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